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Matthew 6:9–10


January 21

Kingdom and Spirituality

When the church and the kingdom of God have been confused with each other then the church has received too much power and the church has been tempted to bring in the kingdom by human means. But the kingdom or reign of God is always first and foremost the presence and action of God in the world.

Florentius Radewijns, one of the key leaders of the Brethren of the

Common Life, stated: “Our aim and final destination is the Kingdom of God. The road which leads to that goal is purity of heart.”21

In this statement, the connection is made between personal and communal spirituality and the in-breaking kingdom of God. While our spirituality is not the ground of the kingdom, it is the fruit of the reign of God. And such fruit brings goodness wherever it is manifested.

An inner life devoted to prayer and the presence of God is a life marked by the kingdom and as such is a life that opens the door for being a servant of the kingdom that expresses the way of Christ rather than the way of the world.

Purity of heart opens the way for God’s love and justice to be

manifested in life-giving and empowering ways rather than the processes of manipulation. Such a purity of heart is to will one thing, that God may be manifested and glorified amongst us.


To force the kingdom of God undoes the very nature of the reign of God. To pray for the kingdom is the way of peace. And to serve the kingdom is to follow Christ’s way in the world. This way brings forgiveness, healing, and justice.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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