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1 Corinthians 7:17


January 12

The One Life of Faith

There are not two significantly different ways of living the Christian life: as a monk or as a “lay” person, for example. We may have different vocations and callings, but we are all called to live the one Christian life.

St. John Chrysostom once made the observation that “those who live in the world, even though married, ought to resemble the monks in everything else.”12 This helpful reminder points to the fact that there are not two forms of spirituality with one being higher than the other. Monks by virtue of their vocation are not superior to a Christian artist or business person seeking to live in fidelity to the gospel.

All Christians—whether monk or business person, whether clergy or artist, whether a member of a religious order or a farmer—are called to love God and serve their neighbor. All are called to worship and prayer. All are called to community and participation in the sacraments.

Love is to characterize all. Obedience to the way of Christ is the call to all. To live in the power of the Spirit is the invitation to all.

But we have different gifts, different vocations, and different settings in which we are to live the Christian life in all its textured richness. As Christian’s live their differing vocations this allows for the gospel to shine in all its varied colors and allows for Christians to be salt, light, and leaven in our world.


There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. There is one Christian life lived out in the diversity of our world. And whether one is a monk or a

Christian politician, all are called to the service of God and to love of neighbor.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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