Читать книгу The Royal Road to Health; or, the Secret of Health Without Drugs - Chas. A. Tyrrell - Страница 5

The True Cause of Disease.


Table of Contents

At this point the reader will doubtless be tempted to exclaim: “Well, you have demonstrated to your own satisfaction that the medical profession entertains erroneous opinions as to the true nature of disease, and also that drugs are absolutely useless—nay, injurious—in such conditions: but is this all? Having destroyed our trust in drugs, what have you to offer in their stead?” To which perfectly natural query, I gladly reply, I have a system of treatment to propound, a system that has triumphantly stood the test of years, a system that must commend itself to every intelligent reader, because it is strictly in accordance with natural law.

But before I proceed to explain it, I desire to announce my own theory respecting disease—a theory essentially radical in its character, and of which I am the originator, and that is:

The Royal Road to Health; or, the Secret of Health Without Drugs

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