Читать книгу The Resurrection of Joan Ashby - Cherise Wolas - Страница 6



It does not matter what you choose—be a farmer, businessman, artist, what you will— but know your aim, and live for that one thing. We have only one life. The secret of success is concentration; wherever there has been a great life, or a great work, that has gone before. Taste everything a little, look at everything a little; but live for one thing. Anything is possible to a [woman] who knows [her] end and moves straight for it, and for it alone. I will show you what I mean.

If she has made blunders in the past, if she has weighted herself with a burden which she must bear to the end, she must but bear the burden bravely, and labor on … If she does all this, if she waits patiently, if she is never cast down, never despairs, never forgets her end, moves straight towards it, bending men and things most unlikely to her purpose, she must succeed at last.

— Olive Schreiner, Story of an African Farm

If I told you the whole story it would never end … What’s happened to me has happened to a thousand women.

— Federico García Lorca,

Doña Rosita la Soltera: The Language of Flowers

The Resurrection of Joan Ashby

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