Читать книгу An Introduction to Evaluation - Chris Fox - Страница 53

Limitations of ethical guidelines


There are criticisms made of attempts to set out ethical guidelines and some are of a practical nature. For example:

Codes cannot capture, nor could they hope to, the ‘messy’ reality of the field, the unanticipated effects, conflicting political priorities and all the personal factors –fears, anxieties and differences involved in the socio/political engagements of evaluation on the ground … (Simons 2006: 250–1)

It has also been pointed out that codes tend to concentrate on avoiding harm, rather than promoting good (ibid.). However, in this section we concentrate on two more fundamental criticisms. The first is the accusation that commonly accepted guidelines for ethical practice are ‘Western-centric’, and the second is that guidelines are designed primarily to protect the interests of the evaluation profession.

An Introduction to Evaluation

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