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List of Figures, Tables, and Plates

Figure 1: The Great Oasis with Amheida/Trimithis in northwest corner.

Figure 2: General map of Amheida/Trimithis divided in 11 areas.

Figure 3: Plan of Area 2.1 with the House of Serenos (B1), the stable (B5), and Streets 2 and 3.

Figure 4: Roman thermae (laconicum and latrina) below B1 and B5.

Figure 5: Macro photos of some Amheida fabrics.

Figures 6–9: Some complete or almost complete vessels from B1, S2, and S3.

Figure 10: Section drawing of Room

Figure 11: Small stove (F31) in Room 4.

Figure 12: Plan of Rooms 9 and 10.

Figure 13: Plan of Room 13 showing the distribution of ceramic fragments.

Figure 14: Almost complete unfired clay disc in Room 13 (DSU 216).

Figure 15: The double bin (F151+F174) in Room 13.

Figure 16: Section drawing of Room 14.

Figure 17: Plan of Room 15 showing the distribution of ceramic vessels that received a Field Number (FN) during the excavation.

Figure 18: The stibadium outside the House of Serenos.

Figure 19: Section drawing of Street 2.

Figure 20: Vessels found in a dumped layer (DSU 163) lying on the floor (F117) of the laconicum.

Figure 21: Cooking pot (no. 129 = Inv. 10264) from DSU 170 in the laconicum.

Figure 22: The closed alley (R43) to the south of Building 6 (Area 2.2).

Figure 23: Illustration of Serenos’ social network.

Table 1: Fabric and Ware desciptions.

Table 2: Total kilograms for each fabric found in B1, S2, S3 (above floors).

Tables 3–17: Quantification of ceramic types and distribution by functional categories for selected contexts above floors of B1.

Table 18: Quantification of ceramic types from Serenos’ dump (Room 43, DSU 160, Area 2.2).

Table 19: Percentage of pottery from B1, S2, S3 (above floors).

General Catalogue

Plate I: Small footed bowls (nos. 1–9); Bowls (nos. 10–27).

Plate II: Bowls (nos. 28–38); medium bowls (nos. 39–41); dishes (nos. 42–46).

Plate III: Oasis Red Slip Ware (nos. 47–55); vessels for liquids (nos. 56–72).

Plate IV: Vessels for liquids (nos. 73–79); kraters (nos. 80–85).

Plate V: Krater with decoration from Room 15 of House B1 (no. 86).

Plate VI: Deep bowls (nos. 87–88); basins (nos. 89–94).

Plate VII: Basins (nos. 95–98); sieves (nos. 99–100); funnel (no. 101).

Plate VIII: Cooking plates (nos. 102–103); casseroles (nos. 104–111); cooking pots (nos. 112–122).

Plate IX: Cooking pots (nos. 123–147).

Plate X: Bread molds (nos. 148–149); baking trays/dokkas (nos. 150–151); small lids (nos. 152–155); lids (nos. 156–163); jars (nos. 164–174).

Plate XI: Jars (nos. 175–194).

Plate XII: Kegs (nos. 195–203); Yellow slipped flasks and jars (nos. 204–212).

Plate XIII: Amphora AE 4 (no. 213); Rhodian amphoras (nos. 214–215); LRA 7 (nos. 216–227); Sāqiya pots (nos. 228–230); miniature vessels (nos. 231–235); other (nos. 236–238).

Selected Contexts above Floors (B1, S2, S3)

Plate XIV: Room 1–DSU 4.

Plate XV: Room 4–DSUs 9 and 23.

Plate XVI: Room 6–DSUs 67, 75, 76, and 78.

Plate XVII: Room 8–DSUs 63, 74, and 77.

Plates XVIII–XIX: Room 9 and Room 10.

Plate XX: Room 11–DSU 235 and Room 12–DSUs 245 and 247.

Plate XXI: Room 13–DSUs 208, 209, and 216.

Plate XXII: Room 14–DSUs 221 and 233.

Plates XXIII–XXVII: Room 15–DSUs 140, 145, 152, 157, and 181.

Plate XXVIII: Rooms 16 and 17–DSUs 150, 158=161.

Plate XXIX: Street 2–DSUs 342 and 348 and Street 3–DSU 387.

Relevant Units below Floors in Area 2.1

Plate XXX: Trenches Room 1 and Room 2.

Plate XXXI: Trenches Room 4 and Room 6.

Plate XXXII: Trench Room 8.

Plates XXXIII–XXXV: Below courtyard Room 9 and Room 10.

Plate XXXVI: Trench Room 15.

Plate XXXVII: Trenches Street 2 and Street 3.

Plate XXXVIII: Some decorated fragments found in the dump layers below floors of Room 15 (B1) and Street 2.

Serenos’ Dump Catalogue

Plates XXXIX–XLIII: Room 43–DSU

The House of Serenos

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