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Table of Contents



1 The Human and Social Sciences in the Face of Technological Change 1.1. Approaches to technological change 1.2. A brief history of technological change

2 Technological Change and Society 2.1. Powers, institutions and technological change 2.2. Ethics in the face of technology 2.3. Technological change and diversity 2.4. Technological change and ecology

3 Technological Change and Organization 3.1. Omnipresence of the technical object in work activities 3.2. The interaction of technological and organizational systems 3.3. Technology as a liberator and control agent 3.4. Technological change as a social process

4 Technological Change and the Individual 4.1. Activity and technical object 4.2. The encounter between the individual and the technical object 4.3. Beyond the content of activities, a transformation of working structures 4.4. Technological changes and individual skills

5 Experiencing Technological Change 5.1. Threats and opportunities associated with technological change in organizations 5.2. Reconciling technical and social issues 5.3. Managing responsible technological change



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List of Tables

1 IntroductionTable I.1. Contributions of the humanities and social sciences

2 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Means of supporting activities via information technology (source: ad...Table 1.2. Ten profound changes in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (source: exc...

3 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Change in the percentage of households with Internet access in the to...Table 2.2. Research on the relationship between technostress and demographic cha...

4 Chapter 3Table 3.1. How digital technologies have changed the HR processes (non-exhaustiv...

5 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Some contributions of digital technology to the system of activityTable 4.2. ICTs for skills development (source: Eurydice, 2012)

6 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Overview and characterization of threats and opportunities associated...Table 5.2. Transposition of threats to work organizationsTable 5.3. The technical and social dimensions of social innovationTable 5.4. Responsible technological innovation, a response to the threats and r...Table 5.5. The structuring dimensions of change and associated strategiesTable 5.6. The specificities of technological change

List of Illustrations

1 IntroductionFigure I.1. From technology to object

2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Basic structure of an activity (source: adapted from Engeström, 1987...Figure 1.2. Transformation of the socio-technical system in the Middle AgesFigure 1.3. Transformation of the socio-technical system during the First Indust...Figure 1.4. Transformation of the socio-technical system during the Second Indus...Figure 1.5. Transformation of the socio-technical system during the IT revolutio...Figure 1.6. Transformation of the socio-technical system to the digital revoluti...

3 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Two examples of sexist advertising for household products (source: w...

4 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. The factory of the future (source: adapted from Alliance Industrie d...Figure 3.2. The different actors of technological change in organizations

5 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (source: Davis, 1989)

6 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Example of a change model (source: adapted from Philips, 1983)Figure 5.2. Promoting the technical or human dimension when changing work toolsFigure 5.3. Leading responsible technological change (source: adapted from Phili...



Table of Contents

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Technological Change

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