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I.3. HR quantification: effective solution or myth? Two lines of research


In response to these questions on the specificities of human quantification, two theoretical currents can be identified on the use of HR quantification.

One, generally normative, tends to consider quantification as an effective solution to improve HR decision-making, whether in recruitment or other areas. This approach thus supports evidence-based management (EBM), in other words management based on evidence which is most often made up of figures and measurements. In the EBM approach, quantification is therefore proof and can cover a multiplicity of objects: quantifying to better evaluate individuals (in line with the psychotechnical approach), or to know them better, or to better understand global HR phenomena (absenteeism, gender equality), all in order to make better decisions. The EBM approach thus considers that quantification improves decision-making, processes and policies, including HR. Lawler et al. (2010) thus believe that the use of figures and the EBM approach have become central to making the HR function a strategic function of the company. For example, they identify three types of metrics of interest in an EBM approach: the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR function, and the impact of HR policies and practices on variables such as organizational performance. More generally, according to the work resulting from this approach, quantification makes it possible to meet several HR challenges. The first challenge is to make the right human resources management decisions: recruitment, promotion and salary increases, for example. The psychotechnical approach already mentioned seems to provide an answer to this first challenge: by measuring individuals’ skills, motivations and abilities in an objective way, it seems to guarantee greater objectivity and rigor in HR decision-making.

The second challenge is to define the right HR policies. Rasmussen and Ulrich (2015) thus give an example where an offshore drilling company uses quantification to define a policy linking management quality, operational performance and customer satisfaction (Box I.2). This example therefore illustrates how quantification can help identify problems and links between different factors in order to define more appropriate and effective HR policies.

Quantifying Human Resources

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