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On occasion, we are likely to have experienced a gut feeling about a situation. We have this sensation in the pit of our stomach that we know what we must do next or that something is right or that something is about to go awry. Inevitably, this feeling is not backed by data.

Gene Kranz was the flight director in NASA's Mission Control room during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. As flight director, he made a number of gut feel decisions that allowed the lunar module to return safely to Earth after a significant malfunction. This is why we regard AI as augmenting the knowledge worker and not an outright replacement for the knowledge worker. Some decisions require a broader context for decision-making; even if that decision is a gut feel, the decision is still likely to manifest from years of practical experience.

For many businesses, the sheer scale of their operations already means that each decision can't be debated between man and machine to reach a final outcome. Scale, and not the need to find a replacement for repetitive tasks, is the primary driving factor toward needing to build the AI-centric organization.

Smarter Data Science

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