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Facilitating the Winds of Change: How Organized Data Facilitates Reaction Time


How much time an organization is given to respond to a change is a variant and is always predicated on being circumstantial. When the European Union introduced a law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all companies conducting business with individual citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area were given a specific date by which they were required to comply with the changes the law introduced.

When the media company Netflix switched its core business model to subscription-based streaming from online DVD rentals, the company essentially gave notice to all brick-and-mortar DVD rental companies to switch their own existing business models or risk irrelevance. The response from the traditional DVD rental companies has proven to be overwhelmingly inadequate. So, while Netflix does have marketplace competition, the competition is not coming from the organizations that owned or operated the brick-and-mortar DVD rental facilities at the time Netflix switched its business model.

Sometimes transformations occur in a slow and progressive manner, while some companies can seemingly transform overnight. Some transformation needs can be sweeping (e.g., to comply with insider-trading rules). Adjustments might even blindside some employees in ways that they perceive as unwarranted.

Sweeping changes equivalent to eminent domain can be part and parcel of management prerogative. An internal IT department can be outsourced, a division can be sold, sales regions rearranged, and unsatisfactory deals made just to appease a self-imposed quota or sales mark. Some of these changes can be forced on an organization on a moment's notice or even appear to be made on a whim. Like eminent domain, sometimes change arrives at the organization swiftly and seemingly capriciously—but when it comes, reaction is not optional.

Smarter Data Science

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