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The trouble with most business books is twofold.

First, the typical author is often not experienced enough in business to create a breakthrough, high-impact point of view. The result of this is a million books that say basically the same things.

Second, the typical author cannot get close enough to business high achievers, so they never really get the truth of the matter from people who really know. They merely report what others have reported.

Very fortunately for you, the reader, Nigel Collin is not your typical author.

He has over 30 years of experience in business – seeing close up what it takes to make a business survive and then thrive. You can feel his hard-won wisdom in every chapter – this guy has been there. He understands the real grit and fire of business.

Nigel has also interacted with a lot of business super stars. In fact he's got closer to more of them than almost anyone else in the country. He's done over eighty one-on-one, in-depth interviews with the cream of the Australian corporate world. This unprecedented access to our country's finest business minds has enabled him to not only understand the somewhat arcane art of money making, but to also create a cogent, highly practical system that literally anyone can follow to achieve better business results.

In nutshell, do what he says and your business will improve. Simple as that.

But you'll need more than a pen and pad to follow his business treasure map; you'll need something quite rare in the corporate realm – a totally open mind.

Because what follows in this book is far from your typical business growth template. Instead, Nigel suggests a counterintuitive way to think and act in order to succeed. In Nigel's world more is not more, strategy is not obvious and the usual road travelled is for chumps.

All of this makes for a very lively read and at times you'll be stunned by some of the conclusions and the forthrightness with which they're expressed. But at every step, you'll see the care that Nigel has taken to back up his assertions with research, logic and the simple clarity that can only come from somebody who doesn't just report, but understands.

I'm honoured to write the foreword for this unusual and fine book. As they say in the classics, it's a corker.

Siimon Reynolds

Best-selling author of Why People Fail

The Game of Inches

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