Читать книгу The Game of Inches - Collin Nigel - Страница 9

It's a game of inches
Beautiful tension


One of the most interesting ideas to raise its head in the interviews – which took me completely by surprise – is something I've called ‘beautiful tension'. As I spoke to more and more entrepreneurs, ideas kept creeping into the conversation that at first appeared to be contradictory.

For example, you need to be passionate about your business – but you'll actually end up broke if your business doesn't have a viable model or if no-one wants what you're offering. Unfortunately, the world is full of passionate entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams and sowing their own ruin at the same time. But does that mean passion is a bad thing? Surely you need passion to keep you enthusiastic every day so you'll put in the effort and hard work it takes to build your business, not to mention find the drive to keep going when things go wrong, as they inevitably will.

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The Game of Inches

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