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Move the Mouse
ОглавлениеA mouse is a soap-bar–sized device that you move across a desk with your hand. Move the mouse and note how the arrow called a mouse pointer moves across the computer screen. (Similar to a mouse, a trackball is a ball in a socket that you can rotate to move the mouse pointer.) A mouse has two or more buttons; some also have a scroll wheel between the buttons.
The following terms describe methods for using a mouse with Windows 11. In each, move the mouse first to position the pointer over a specified item before proceeding:
Click: Move the onscreen arrow-shaped mouse pointer over a specified item and press and release the left mouse button: That's a click (sometimes called a left-click to distinguish it from a right-click).
Right-click: Press and release the right mouse button to display available functions. Note that the word click by itself means use the left mouse button.
Drag: Press and hold down the left mouse button, and then move the mouse pointer across the screen. When you want to move an object, you drag it. Release the mouse button to release the object.
Watch for the word click to indicate using a mouse button and roll to indicate using the mouse wheel.