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eliminate your why nots

When you tell yourself these lies, the bottom line is that you are choosing a why not instead of a why. You’re wasting your energy on the negative instead of the positive. And if you’re not making choices that stem from your why in life, then ask yourself: Who are you making these choices for? Whose dreams are you supporting? What results are you working toward?

When life goes sideways and you physically can’t make it to the gym, that doesn’t mean you can’t work out or move your body with purpose. Heck, no! You are your own best piece of gym equipment. Not only is your body free to use, but it’s nearly always available to you. Even if you are dealing with an injury, you can modify your movements so you can still work out. As long as you have a body, and you have the ability to move, you can exercise. bam!

The No Willpower Excuse

I hear a lot of people complain that they have no willpower. They tell me, “I want to work out but I always give up because I’m just too weak (willed).” I counter this excuse by telling people to find something that they enjoy doing, and then really feed their connection to that activity. You have to start by identifying your desires. Not every exercise will be right for you, but keep trying different things to see what you like. Think of it this way: You never have to find the willpower to indulge in something that you love, such as getting a massage, or laughing with friends!

Of course, working out takes more effort than getting a massage, especially at the beginning when you haven’t yet made it a habit. One way to help with motivation is to find someone to work out with, to be accountable to. Joining a fitness-based com-munity is a great way to source allies who can support you. We motivate each other, and celebrate our personal victories together. The idea is to hold one another to a certain standard and ensure that you follow through to reach a goal.

What if every single person you know is overweight and complacent, and nobody wants to work out with you? No problem! Through social media, I can connect you with some fantastic online communities, where there are both private and public fitness groups. Not only can we see what the other members are doing, we can also encourage and support each other. Members post recipes, inspirational video and audio clips, share struggles, console and uplift one another, and act as sources of accountability, which we all need from time to time. It’s all in the name of motivational

Kids should be the motivation why we want to be fit and not the excuse why we can’t.

Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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