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Dai Manuel’s Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

fun. There are also some engaging online tools, such as MyFitnessPal.com, and activity trackers, such as Fitbit, to help you gauge your progress against your health and fitness goals.

The No Space Excuse

I don’t care how small your home is, it’s big enough for you to work out in. All you really need is a space the size of, say, a bath towel, a yoga mat, or even a door-mat. You essentially want to create a little space for squats, push-ups, sit-ups, jogging on the spot and air skips. I’ll describe these and other exercises in more detail in Chapter 7.

If you’re a person who spends a lot of time on the road, I challenge you to never see this as a disruption to your fitness routine again. Most hotel rooms have a chair and a table, which you can use to create a mini-circuit for a 15-minute workout. You can even use the space between the wall and the bed. If you’re a regular traveller, you probably know your itinerary in advance; that is, you don’t likely just wake up in the morning and remember: Oh, I have to head to San Francisco today. So take a little time to plan for your health needs, and set yourself up to make good choices while you travel. This means carrying extra water (air travel can cause dehydration) and pack some healthy snacks, such as nuts and dried fruit. Remember that dehydration can be confused with hunger, so we often reach for the wrong foods when we’re groggy after a flight. Above all, try to resist the lure of aimless channel surfing on the bed in your hotel room. Try to get out for a quick run in your host city instead. Fifteen minutes is all you need. You can do it!

The Everybody Else Comes First Excuse

Too many of us simply don’t prioritize our own health and fitness. When everybody around us seems to need something from us, putting our needs on the table can feel selfish—we may even feel guilty for doing something just for ourselves. Well, I’ll be the first one to let you know that it’s okay to look after you. In fact, you’ll be better able to serve others by serving yourself first. When you understand and appreciate that, it puts your health into a different context. That is, neglecting your own health affects

You can work out in a space as small as a yoga mat.

Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

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