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Lomatium spp.


Biscuitroot is mainly an Interior plant, found on dry plains and hills and frequently at the base of rock cliffs and outcrops. Height is several inches to several feet, depending on the species. Leaves are greatly divided. Flowers are small and in compound umbels coloured white, yellow, pink or purple. There can be one or several stems; the flower stem, often purplish, is leafless. Leaves of most Lomatium species smell and taste much like parsley. In several species, the root consists of several large connected bulbs; others have thick, fleshy roots. First flowering is around the beginning of April.

All of the many species have edible roots. A tea can be made from the leaves, stems or flowers. The seeds can be eaten raw, roasted or dried. The roots are better if dug after flowering; they are delicious raw, cooked, dried or ground into flour. The green stems and leaves are good spring salad materials.


Some Useful Wild Plants

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