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Alum root

Heuchera spp.


Alum root is commonly found in poor soils of exposed mountainsides. At the base of the stem is a group of long-stemmed leaves, which are oval with irregular lobes. A cluster of small yellow flowers blooms in early June along the upper part of the slender, hairy stem. The taproot is surprisingly large.

Young leaves of alum root may be boiled or steamed. Alum root is a strong astringent, and the roots eaten raw are a good remedy for diarrhea. Ground and used as a poultice, the roots’ astringency is good for closing wounds. Wet and pounded, the root may be used on sores and swelling. A tonic of the boiled roots is useful for debility and fever. The root is best dug before the plant flowers.

Alum root

Some Useful Wild Plants

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