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Scirpus spp.


Bulrushes grow in dense patches in mud or shallow water. They grow from perennial rootstalks and have grass-like leaves or no leaves at all, except for a few sheaths around the stem base. Stems are round to triangular and usually three to nine feet tall. The flowers grow in clusters of spikelets at the head of the stem and have leaf-like bracts.

The starchy rootstalks can be eaten boiled, baked or raw. They should be peeled first. The centre root core is particularly tasty. Rootstalks can also be peeled, dried and pounded into flour. Young shoots, white stem bases and new shoot bulbs are also edible raw or cooked. Bulrush pollen can be gathered and pressed into cakes or used in other ways in baking.

Stalks are generally too tough for eating, but they are useful material for cordage, sandals, baskets and mats.

Some Useful Wild Plants

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