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Protecting data integrity is a goal of some of the regulations discussed earlier, but it is a general security requirement in any business application. The basic principle is that only people or service accounts with legitimate business needs should be able to change data and then only for legitimate business purposes.

Access controls are a primary tool for protecting data integrity. Google Cloud Platform has defined many roles to grant permissions easily according to common business roles. For example, App Engine has roles for administrators, code viewers, deployers, and others. This allows security administrators to assign fine-grained roles to users and service accounts while still maintaining least privileges.

Server and network security measures also contribute to protecting data integrity.

When collecting and analyzing business requirements, seek to understand the roles that are needed to carry out business operations and which business roles or positions will be assigned those roles. Pay particular attention to who is allowed to view and update data, and use separate roles for users who have read-only access.

Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Study Guide

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