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Primi Piatti


So the stage is set. You’ve got the guy, and you’ve got the goods. Now you’re ready to dig into the first course of a memorable five-star meal.

Recently, a friend of ours announced he was taking a leave from his job and was moving to Spain to be with his paramour. When we asked him why, he said because the sex was like nothing he had ever experienced. This new love kept him hot, and hard, all the time. After he caught us eagerly eyeing his zipper to see if this was true, we quizzed him to find out what was so special. Was it the technique? Did they do it five times a day? Did he know something we didn’t know? The secret, according to our friend, was that his knowledgeable novio cleverly controlled the whens, wheres and whats of their fooling around. Our friend never knew what to expect—and he loved it!

Gay guys don’t think about which partner is taking the lead all that much. It just kind of happens. Take a lesson from your gay friend: If you want to win at Wimbledon, you’ve got to open with a great serve. Don’t be afraid to start the set. If you’re worried that he’ll think you’re an overanxious amazon, just remember that many men fantasize about being tied up by buxom Barbarellas from Deep Space Nine. Our informal poll of men, straight and gay, tells us that guys love to have their partner orchestrate; probably more often than you’d think. The notion or him lying back with someone else calling the shots—and doing most of the work—is pretty appealing. You already know the surefire signal: “Just grab it” (see Introduction). This chapter will give you some tips on how to keep the ball rolling.


There’s probably not much a gay man can tell you about kissing that you don’t already know. We all know good kissers and bad kissers, so what makes a great kiss? Loose lips, open mouth, and an open attitude. The fact that you’re reading this book means you’ve got an open attitude—or are pretty darn close. But there are other places you can kiss him that will rev up his engine. He’ll think you’ve been training for the Indy 500 and, with these tips, you’re sure to scoop the checkered flag.

After a long, lovely series of kisses on the mouth, it’s time to heat things up and head south. Kisses on the neck are nice, but it’s your tongue that will put him into high gear. Light licks and soft breathing into his ear will send shivers down his spine. Move lower to the most sensitive spot on his neck and throat, which is along the line where his whiskers vanish. Using the flat part of your tongue, and a firm pressure, lick up and down along that line. If he’s too ticklish, lighten up and move on to other parts.

Another good spot is the curve where his neck meets his shoulder. In general, almost any kind of tongue touches in this area will rock his racket. Keep heading south to his underarms. If his hands are clasped behind his neck, you’ve got an open invitation. If not, deftly take hold of his wrist and move his arm up above his head. The underarm area is where gay men go to town. One girlfriend of ours said that while she loved to give BJs, there was no way she was sticking her face under some guy’s arm. We agree that a mouthful of Arrid Extra Dry is a lousy way to stick to your Weight Watchers plan, which is why the presex shower is a must.

Our friend Peter is so into underarm action that he thought we should devote a whole chapter to this. And Peter’s preference has propelled him into a plethora of partners’ pits. There are two areas to approach. Start by licking the super smooth spot directly below the hair under his arms for a while, then go right for the center of his underarm. Use your lips and gums to massage him, moving from section to section. Another sexy spot is along the inside of his arm, in between the bicep and tricep. The skin in these three areas tends to be very soft and, often, neglected. Perhaps that’s why Peter goes so gaga for pit play.

When you’re bored with his armpits, keep licking and mouthing your way down to another area that’s often overlooked: his inner thighs. Slide down and shift positions so that your legs are hanging over the sides of the bed and your head is between his legs. You may already have noticed that many men have a little bald spot on their inner thighs. We don’t know if this is a genetic quirk or the result of too-tight jeans, but it’s a great place to play around in. Use the same mouth motion you used under his arms. Start with the bald spot and work your way to the line where his torso meets his leg. Say hi to Mr. Stiffy so he won’t feel left out. A soft stroke with your hand will let him know that you’ll be back later to take good care of him.


We already mentioned how some of our women friends were amazed to learn that men have feeling in their nipples. To some guys, this is a big nothing. But to others, these petite protrusions are two major points on the playing field. Our poll shows a fifty-fifty split: Fifty percent say “don’t bother” and fifty percent are nipple queens.

The only way to find out if a guy’s nipples are in the hot zone is to test the waters. Lazy licking is pretty boring, but he might like the sensation of bites, tugs or tweaks. A friend of ours, who’s the king of nipple queens, told us everything you always wanted to know about nipples but were afraid to ask.

The first thing you’ll want to do is prime the pecs. If your gentleman du jour has been working out, he’ll have heightened feeling in his pectoral muscles. Massage and knead the pecs inward to send the sensation toward the nipple. He’ll also like the fact that you’ve noticed all his hard work at the gym. You want to get the nipple to the point where it’s almost begging for attention, because when you finally touch it, it will be supersensitive. Some muscle men seem to have perpetual nipple hard-ons. Nipple King tells us if that’s not the case, don’t wait for his nipples to get hard before you help them along. He claims he’s encountered nipples ranging in size from little nubs to nipples an inch long. Our experience has been mostly on the shorter end.

Once you’ve primed the pecs, use your tongue and try licking and flicking. Then softly blow some air on the nipple. The sensation of cool air on the moist nipple should wow him with waves of pleasure. Stay with this for about twenty seconds—no more. Proceed to nibbling just the nipple with your lips covering your teeth, and then take the entire pink part into your mouth and do the same. Again, another twenty seconds for this is plenty.

Now try the same routine with your teeth. A word of caution here: Start with gentle bites, not chews. If he likes this—and you should just ask him—increase the pressure. Some guys like a really strong grip, and others find that it hurts. Don’t get carried away as if you were munching on macadamia nuts. Use front teeth only, and stop if he says “ouch.” Another approach is to use your tongue and your teeth together. Place your two front teeth over the top of the nipple as you massage it from the underside with your tongue.

Next, try tugging on his nipples, one at a time, and then both together. By this we don’t mean yanking on them like you were trying to grab the ring on a carousel, but rather giving him a series of sensual squeezes. Grasp the nipple tips with the ball of your thumb and side of your forefinger, and tug away from his body. Alternate back and forth, between your right and left hands, sort of like milking a cow. If he seems to like this, add a little tweak and twisting action to your tug, continuing to pull the nipple tips away from his body. Some guys may love this. We think it’s like opening a safe, milking a cow, and pulling taffy at the same time. But if you can rub your tummy and pat your head, you should have no trouble mastering this.

Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man

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