Читать книгу Social Psychology - Daniel W. Barrett - Страница 12

Emerging Trends.


Core Concepts is the only textbook that provides significant coverage to the relatively new fields of the social psychology of happiness, religion, and sustainability. Research on the first trend—happiness—has grown tremendously over the last decade and has yet to reach its apex. After decades under the radar, religion has caught the interest of social psychologists and is slowly emerging as a topic worthy of theoretical and empirical work and publishable in our major journals. I expect that we will see the study of religion moving closer to the mainstream of social psychology in the coming decade. The importance of understanding the social psychology of sustainability—our third trend—needs little explanation. We should—indeed we must—adopt more sustainable lifestyles if we are to prevent or at least slow catastrophic climate change. Social psychology has demonstrated its ability to tackle other difficult problems, and I am confident that it can help us here too. My hope is that students use what they learn in this section to begin changing the world.

Social Psychology

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