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Self-Reflection 5.2 Measuring Individualism/Collectivism (Part 2)


To determine your score, add up your responses to Questions 1 through 7 and for Questions 8 through 14. Then subtract the total of the “you” questions from the total of the “class” questions. If the number is negative, simply drop the negative sign. Next divide your answer by 7 to obtain a mean. These items are from the Self Group Distinction Scale (SGD) that was developed for adolescents, but of course, the underlying dimension is not limited to that age group (Yanagida, Strohmeier, Toda, & Spiel, 2014). The means for the Japanese (mostly collectivistic) and Austrian (mostly individualistic) participants were .33 and .72. The higher the number, the more a person separates her or himself from the group, and therefore the more individualistic that person appears to be.

Social Psychology

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