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Dear Entrepreneur,

You need to want it more

Starting your own company is one of the hardest, but most rewarding challenges you will take on. To succeed where other people have stumbled, you need to want it more than the next guy. This can prove to be the difference between succeeding and failing.

I truly believe that Blackcircles.com grew to what it is today largely due to the fact that I just wanted it more than some of my competitors.

Be prepared to take risks

Risk taking is perhaps the most dangerous part of owning a company, but it is also the most exciting. If your business is to grow and thrive, you will have to perform some calculated risks.

People are often afraid to take a risk as they don’t think that it will pay off. Even if this is the case, by experiencing small failures we learn to get back on our feet and come back with more determination and a better idea of how you will succeed next time. Taking risks is a vital part of owning a business.

Make use of all available resources

If there is something that can help you, take advantage of it – from an expert in their field giving you some advice, to applying for a business grant. Whatever is offered to you, make sure to grab it with both hands.

Any help that you can gain along the way will seem like a godsend when you first start. These opportunities can be rare and they won’t come to you, you’ve got to get out there and find them.

Network, network and network again

Thriving business owners are generally also fantastic networkers. Navigating through the minefield of owning a company without friends is not impossible, but it can be a lot harder.

By meeting other entrepreneurs, you can share your experiences, achievements and obstacles. Through networking, you have the opportunity to tap into a vast collection of knowledge, as well as the chance to gain deals in sectors you may have not even considered before.

Be prepared to adapt

Adapting to circumstances can be uncomfortable for some people. There are times when it does not matter how much you have researched a topic, how encompassing your strategy is, or how much you believe in your plan – you will have to change something to deal with external factors you had not factored in.

If you can learn to adapt and roll with the punches, you will be able to weather any potential storms.

Michael Welch

Founder, Blackcircles.com


Dear Entrepreneur

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