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Nigel Botterill


Dear Entrepreneur,

Who you hang around with matters. A lot. I used to play a lot of golf when I was younger. What I found was that I always played better when I played golfers who were better than me. Similarly, whenever I played with people who weren’t as good as me, I never played to my best. It’s a bit like that in business.

Local networking events can be incredibly useful. You meet people, forge relationships and help each other to develop and grow. However, there were some that would go to every single networking event who are not, by any definition, successful. They are stuck in their rut and if you spend too much time with them, then you’ll become like them.

In short, if you mix with losers, you become a loser.

If you spend time with super successful business owners, then your chances of achieving the same increase dramatically.

It was the late, great Jim Rohn who said that you become a combination of the five people you spend most time with. Make sure that you’re spending time with the right people. People that inspire you, that motivate you, that fuel your ambition and drive and who you can learn from. Being around such people can make a heck of a difference to your level of success.

I was at least twelve months too late in realising this and it held me back a lot in those early months. Please don’t make the same mistake that I did.



Nigel Botterill is one of Britain’s most successful entrepreneurs. In the last eight years he has built, from scratch, eight separate million-pound plus businesses, and his Entrepreneur’s Circle guides and mentors teach thousands of UK business owners who aspire to super success. It is the largest membership organisation in the UK dedicated to helping businesses grow.

Dear Entrepreneur

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