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The atlas is the work of a team. Jannet King has been the editor, assiduous

and detailed in her work, and respectful of a wayward author’s prerogatives.

Isabelle Lewis provides the basic cartographic design work without which

the whole atlas approach would be impossible, and throughout showed her

talent for coming up with innovative ways of displaying the information.

The overall look and feel of the atlas is down to the design coordination of

Corinne Pearlman. Candida Lacey ran and coordinated the Myriad team and

was always a joy to work with. Elizabeth Sarney was an extremely diligent

research assistant without whom the basic research for the atlas could not

have been done; she also offered insightful comment on the draft layouts for

displaying the data. Nicolle Nguyen made sure I stayed up to par on my day

job and was another source of comment and feedback on draft designs. Ilaria

Bianchi and Selena Mirams were a responsive focus group at a critical stage.

Åsa Frankenberg provided thoughtful reflections on the look and functioning

of the spreads, and was a source of strength throughout. Felix Smith-

Frankenberg reminded me of what life is about at moments when I thought

it only consisted of missed deadlines. I thank all of you unreservedly.


The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce their

photographs on the following pages: 18 © Mark Henley / Panos Pictures;

30 Mexico City: Milan Klusacek / iStockphoto; New York: Candida Lacey; London:

Ivan Mateev / iStockphoto; Paris: JB Russell / Panos Pictures; Lagos: George Osodi

/ Panos Pictures; Sao Paulo: AM29 / iStockphoto; 31 Istanbul: George Georgiou /

Panos Pictures; Karachi: Giacomo Pirozzi / Panos Pictures; Shanghai: Manfred Leiter;

Tokyo: Wikimedia Commons / Chris 73; Jakarta: Martin Adler / Panos Pictures;

Cairo: ictor/ iStockphoto; Mumbai: Candida Lacey; Tehran: Frank van den Bergh /

iStockphoto; 36 Ian Teh / Panos Pictures; 56 Iva Zimova / Panos Pictures; 74 Philippe

Lissac / Panos Pictures; 88 Teun Voeten / Panos Pictures; 104 Alvaro Leiva / Panos

Pictures; 120 Dieter Telemans / Panos Pictures.

Below: The world

map based on the

Mercator, Gall and

Peters projections.


The State of the World Atlas [ff]

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