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I observed an inmate smoking while passing by his cell. There was the strong smell of marijuana. Another inmate was in the cell with him. When the inmate that was smoking saw me, he tossed the joint in the toilet and flushed. I directed the inmate not to flush the toilet again and called for the sergeant to report to my location. The inmate flushed the toilet again. By flushing the toilet again, he disobeyed a direct order. This would get him more time in the hole than being charged with possessing and smoking pot. The sarge arrived with another officer and had the inmates escorted to the Security Center. From there they would be given a urine analysis test before their trip to seg.

In shaking down the smoker’s cell, we found a sparking device and graphite.

In the other inmate’s cell was found a home made battery pack, tattoo paraphernalia and football picks.

These “boys just want to have (illegal) fun.”

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2

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