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Wellbutrin is a prescription drug that is used as an antidepressant in the prison system.

The inmates discovered several ways of abusing Wellbutrin.

Inmates can mix it with other medications and snort it to produce a cocaine like high.

They can mix it with a liquid, so they can shoot it up with insulin syringes that have been smuggled in by diabetics.

They can mix it with baking soda and the powder from asthma inhalers. This mixture is then cooked in a microwave for 20 seconds to turn it into a rock like substance that can be smoked.

When the institution became aware of this, they checked on the inmates allowed to be using Wellbutrin. They found out that only a few of the inmates had the correct amount. This meant that they were either abusing it themselves or selling it.

The institution decided not to give the inmates this medication in bubble packs that they kept in their cells any more. They had to have a nurse give it to them. The nurse had to watch them swallow it and check the inside of their mouth to make sure they actually swallowed it. After this, Wellbutrin pills were still being found. However, now the pills had rough surfaces. The inmates were barfing them back up and selling them.

The institution checked to make sure that those receiving the drug really needed it, but more Wellbutrin was being prescribed than ever before. Psychology was not cooperating.

We were told that this medication would no longer be prescribed, but at the same time they told us that they were just going to have stricter criteria for prescribing it. We were also told to keep an eye out for it, especially in the microwaves.

And that's the way this institution was run.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2

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