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Numerous inmates were leaving the cell block without having their ID’s displayed while I was working the B-West door post. As this was a regular occurrence, I pulled all of them aside as they exited the cell block. After everyone was out of the block, I explained the policy to them all at one time. There were approximately 10 of them. There would’ve been a lot more, but some caught on to what I was doing and put their ID’s on before they got to me.

One of the guys I had pulled aside gave me attitude. He did this both when I pulled him aside and when I explained what I was doing to the group.

What I was doing was making the point that when they saw me working the door, I would be enforcing the policies. By pulling these violators aside, the other inmates saw what was going on. Those that didn’t see would hear about it real soon. This made it so when they saw me at the door; most of them would put on their ID’s before they got to me.

The loud mouth that was a very large powerful man stated that he wasn’t into playing any of my little games. I locked him up for not displaying his ID, disobeying and trying to incite the others. I let all of the others go as they were cooperative. Well as cooperative as you could expect 10 felons in a group to be.

As time went on, the guy with the big mouth and attitude changed quite a bit. He was intelligent enough to realize that I was not his enemy; that I was only doing my job. We eventually had a friendly relationship and he assisted in getting new disruptive inmates to chill out.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2

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