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The sergeant was passing out canteen slips. An inmate was standing, facing his sink and running water when she came by. When he heard her at his door, he turned around immediately.

He was acting suspicious, so she said, “What are you doing?”


She stepped inside the cell to see what he was up to. He jumped in front of her to block her view. She told him to step aside and he complied. She saw a pitcher of something orange in his sink and said, “Are you making hooch?”

“Yes. I’m not going to lie.”

She called to have him escorted out and then gave him a directive to not pour out the hooch.

He poured it out into the toilet and rinsed out the container.

Another officer appeared on the scene and directed the inmate not to flush the toilet.

The inmate reached down to flush.

The officer gave several more loud directives not to flush the toilet.

He flushed the toilet.

After the inmate was removed to segregation, they found a brewing container with large chunks of fruit cocktail, oranges and bread in it.

These guys think they are smart by flushing things down the toilet. The institutions policies take this into account. They will generally get more time in seg for disobeying an order than they would for many other violations like hooch.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 2

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