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We are not supposed to have radios to listen to; the kind of radio that had stations with music playing. We are supposed to be 100% focused on the job. Officers had smuggled radios into most of the towers anyway. For some reason, it was difficult to get any decent reception in those towers. If you played the radio, you better make sure you turn it off before you answer a phone or respond on your radio so no one would hear it. Most higher ups that had risen to their position from the bottom, where I was, were lenient on this. They had been there. They knew anything to help alleviate the boredom would help keep you more alert. Some of them applied some common sense to the situation, but not all of them.

One lieutenant would go to the top floor of an industry building with binoculars. He would watch for officers reading books, newspapers or magazines. He would try to catch officers dozing off. He would enter cellblocks and try to catch officers with their feet up on the railing at the shower post. I heard that he was one of the worst at doing things like this early in his career. Here he was, always on the hunt for someone to write up, and he did the same things when he was an officer.

I could see if he was going after the ones that stretched the line a bit too far, like taking a sleeping bag to the tower along with a VCR and a television. Taking up a laptop computer was probably going a bit too far too.

When working a tower, I felt like licking the toilet bowl, so I could get sick. Then at least I could sit there and have something to do.

Now I see why people take up smoking. It’s something people can do to try to pass some time while they slowly kill themselves, so they don’t have to be up in a tower bored to death.

Since I worked in the prison, the least little movement catches my eye.

We must acknowledge higher ups with a wave. I guess that’s so long as we know who the higher ups are.

No one is allowed to take pictures of the wall, towers, etc.

No one is allowed on state grounds. If you find people behind the towers, call it in.

We were also told to always keep clothing and food in our cars, just in case we got assigned to a tower.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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