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Many times when working a tower on second watch, the third watch officer would show up late. When you’ve been in a tower for 8 hours, you really want to be relieved on time. Several times I received a phone call after I was supposed to be gone out of the tower notifying me that nobody would be relieving me. I’m sitting there with a plenty of fire power and they don't show up. What are they thinking?

Once, when I got outside after 16 hours in this tower, I couldn’t get my car started. They don’t plow in this area, so it took me a while to get my car out once I did get it going. Then when I got inside the prison to turn in my equipment, they asked me what took me so long. Yes, you are right; they did not get a pleasant response. They must've asked me that question after I turned in my weapons as I never wound up locked up in prison.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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