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In order to promote disaster resilience, you must be aware of each of the participants who may become involved in response and recovery operations. Local government departments and offices are public organizations that to respond to disaster. If needed, state and federal governments provide additional disaster assistance to cities and counties. A variety of services, donations and volunteers are made available by numerous corporations and non‐profit organizations (such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army). Community members—whether part of CERTs or emergent groups—also give of their time and energy to help victims affected by disasters. Awareness of the DRC typology can illustrate unique features of the organizations involved in disasters. It is imperative that you comprehend what types of conflicts may arise as multiple organizations react to disasters. It is also recommended that you also understand who in the “whole community” can help you fill your role as an emergency manager when disasters occur. By doing these things, you can take advantage of the unique talents and resources of people and organizations in order to accomplish amazing things in spite of devastating disaster impacts.

Disaster Response and Recovery

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