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Appreciation is expressed to several organizations and individuals that have helped significantly in the development of Disaster Response and Recovery. Although I alone am responsible for the content of this book, I am indebted first and foremost to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a grant that made much of the initial research for this text possible. Gratitude is also conveyed to Wayne Blanchard, the former FEMA Higher Education Program Manager, for his ideas and insight regarding the theoretical and practical nature of post‐disaster emergency management operations.

Special recognition is also warranted for the contributions of Siddik Ekici, Sarah Mathis and Kristina Cramb, three graduate students in the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas. These dedicated research assistants eagerly assembled additional information and materials for the first literature search. They also provided helpful case studies and worked on the extensive bibliography for this book.

I am also thankful for the knowledge and expertise of several scholars and practitioners that provided useful recommendations on earlier drafts of the book. These reviewers included Danny Peterson (Arizona State University), Phil Politano (Onondaga Community College), James Richardson (San Antonio Community College), William L. Waugh Jr. (Georgia State University), Cherlyn Wilhelmsen (University of Idaho), and Stacy Lynn Willet (University of Akron), Jane Kushma (Jacksonville State University), and DeeDee Bennett (University at Albany). The constructive advice of Gregg Dawson, Steve Reddish, Leland Baker, and other professional emergency managers is likewise noted.

I also wish to recognize my wonderful daughters ‐ Ashley Layton, Kailey Birchall and Madison McEntire ‐ for their assistance in developing the supplementary materials for the text. Their contributions have definitely made an overwhelming task more manageable.

Finally, Wiley’s staff, including Summers Scholl, Daniela Bez, Viniprammia Premkumar, Karyn Drews, Laura Town, Jorkill Almanza and Sandeep Kumar, deserve credit for their time‐consuming preparation of this manuscript for publication.

David A. McEntire, Ph.d., SFHEA

Disaster Response and Recovery

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