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1 Knowing What to Expect: Hazards, Vulnerability, and Disasters STARTING POINT


Pretest to assess your knowledge on hazards, vulnerability and disasters.

Determine where you need to concentrate your effort.

What You’ll Learn in This Chapter

 The possibility and probability of disasters.

 General emergency management responsibilities.

 Types of natural, technological and anthropogenic hazards.

 The interaction of hazards and vulnerability.

 Anticipated changes and demands after disasters.

 The need for response and recovery operations.

After Studying This Chapter, You’ll Be Able To

 Understand the impact and scope of various disaster levels.

 Differentiate among the diverse hazard categories.

 Comprehend the relation among hazards, vulnerability and disasters.

 Examine the relationship between response and recovery functions.

 Identify needs to be addressed during and after disaster.

Goals and Outcomes

 Compare and contrast different disaster magnitudes.

 Define and use basic disaster and emergency management terminology.

 Evaluate distinct types of hazards as well as common disaster characteristics.

 Predict changes resulting from disasters and resulting implications.

 Advocate for the importance of response and recovery operations.

Disaster Response and Recovery

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