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I was inspired to write this account of our love story to let others know there are alternative ways to meet sincere ladies. With global communication one does not have to limit themselves to their city or country to find their life partner.

As you all know, it is not easy finding a woman in the United States. I tried the Internet dating sites with no luck because the women were either different from their profile or the lady was nice but there was no chemistry between us.

So I decided to broaden my horizons and started looking for a woman internationally, thinking it would give me a better opportunity to find that elusive chemistry. Plus, I liked the idea of meeting as many ladies as I possibly could.

My hope was to find a woman that I connected with and then continue the relationship after I finished my romance tour vacation. And maybe the relationship would grow into something special and long lasting. The worst case scenario would be that I enjoyed a good vacation, meet and date some beautiful Latin women, learn more about their culture, and have a beautiful personal tour guide as my escort.

Not in my wildest dreams did I expect to meet Cristina and fall so hard for someone so fast. But she is a very special woman and I am so lucky to have found her. Without taking that next step and getting out of my comfort zone I would have never found my true love.

Encounter Your Destiny

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