Читать книгу Peace Be Still. - David Jr. McDermott - Страница 14



Lord Jesus, in your earthly ministry you said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” Our earthly mother bears us into pain and death. The world cannot impart peace because there is no true peace in the world. The consequences of self-will, self-love is all around us.

Lord Jesus, in your grace you impart the fruit of your Holy Spirit peace to your companions who put their confidence in you, repenting of their iniquity, who have compassion for your Holy Passion that you suffered for them and who have a wilful longing to behold you through the union of their will with God’s. Our inborn selfish nature can be subdued and die and we can have your true peace which passes all understanding. It is beyond our understanding as its manifestation is a divine providence in a soul that has come into union with God’s will and his property of inward light. In that inward light of peace if we focus our minds on you Lord then the troubles of this world are dissolved in our mind. We rise above earth’s vain sorrows, serene peace and goodwill remains. In this peace our minds are replenished giving us the enlightenment that all we need is God’s love.

For Lord, anything in our selfish nature that is contrary to your wrath free nature will never bring us peace. Lord, you are all power, all sovereignty, all wisdom, but you are also our homely loving true Mother. The pains of your Holy Passion have born us into bliss and everlasting life. Just as you had the power to calm the waves on the Sea of Galilee so you have the power to calm the waves of desire in our selfish nature that continually swell through our minds and emotions. Dissolve the hell that we create within ourselves by the fruit of your Holy Spirit, that your life may grow in us and so your peace enfolded in your love. In giving us the teaching of your inward light and giving us true peace you give us true rest, for there is no rest in anything below you.

In that peace and rest may we have the true measure of virtue. May our undertakings be true acts of charity in your broken world. In that charity may we live in the grace of the present moment serving you, and so have the full measure of perfect peace. Lord, you said we will still have trial and tribulation but we don’t need to fear, for nothing on earth can separate us from your unquenchable love and our salvation.

You can give us that inflaming divine seed of your perfect power that can flourish in a perfect soul. Your servant David said, “The light of your countenance, O Lord, is like a seal stamped on our soul.”

Lord, in the benefit of that inmost light of your Holy Spirit, in that peace and rest continually guide us in that spiritual enlightenment of your divine nature, that our true acts of charity may help to build your kingdom on earth. Amen.

Peace Be Still.

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