Читать книгу Peace Be Still. - David Jr. McDermott - Страница 7



I have divided these prayers into three parts. The first part is prayers reflecting on the fruit of the living Holy Spirit in relation to its transforming power to change our selfish nature to the divine nature. The second part is my own prayers that have been written after inspiration from periods of contemplation. The third part is short resume prayers based on the Psalms.

The Psalms are familiar, eternal and steadfast but may these prayers be an additional different look at them. May they declare God’s love through the fulfilment of the gospel in our redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ. May they show their significance to our trials and tribulations in our temporal life today.

I hope that all the prayers will be useful and inspiring to all who seek the reality of God within themselves. The mystic Mother Julian of Norwich was shown by our Lord Jesus that God exists in the soul of man. Through our steadfast faith and the union of our will with His the transforming power of the Holy Spirit can transform our selfish nature to be a partaker of the divine nature, bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our temporal life. Through the fruit of the Holy Spirit God’s love can make us compassionate. But without that transforming power our own efforts are a futile presumption. Our soul can be windows to the three properties that he revealed to Mother Julian of Norwich, his light, love and life.

I hope you will also find strength from reading the prayers that will give you direction on your path towards God. They could be used as a compliment to Bible study or before contemplative and petitioning prayer. The prayers are for anybody who wishes to deepen their spiritual life. They can be read in any order, perhaps for some area of individual need or urgent event.

Through the reading of the prayers I hope that you will find the tranquillity and peace that can be given by God regardless of our temporal trials and tribulations. May they give you enlightenment in any darkness you are experiencing, giving you instead joy and comfort in your seeking a nearness to God.

God speaks to us with the still small voice within us. May you hear that voice through the Holy Spirit, through contemplation and a reading of the Psalms.

The Lord gives us the inborn desire to know him more perfectly, but we have to go to him, to seek him. God reveals himself to responsive hearts. Through the Holy Spirit he can awaken emotions of joy, hope, peace and confirmation of his love. We in turn can offer our praise and devotion to God, using our gifts in the building of his kingdom on earth.

As God revealed to Mother Julian of Norwich that His love is within us He will never fail us. Julian wrote that we may be tempest tossed and turned, but we will never be overcome. Through your steadfast faith and union with God’s will may you become a branch in God’s vineyard.

Peace Be Still.

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