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Lord, we live in such a fast paced, stressful age which leads to impatience for others. This has led to many problems in the world. In our impatience we often turn away from you. In our own selfish nature we feel the least desire to offer patience to others and in turn we do not offer forgiveness. Rather than a virtue patience is the fruit from the source of all patience, your wrath free and longsuffering nature towards us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Your desire is for us to rest our weary impatient souls in you.

Lord Jesus, you gave us the example of patience by your infinite, unfathomable divine patience in your suffering and in fulfilling your Father’s will. May we turn from our own temporal impatience and appropriate the fruit of supernatural patience from the Holy Spirit, reflecting your divine nature Lord.

In that patience may we continue to do your will, to give unconditional patience to difficult people, not complaining at their shortcomings. May we never be provoked to anger or retribution.

As we walk with you Lord Jesus may we in our trusting and obedient heart grow in patience in our trials and tribulations for righteousness sake. May we remain steadfast in patient trust of your love even when we do not perceive it. Transform us in your grace, mercy, truth and loving-kindness to patient longsuffering.

In our longsuffering may our patience turn from lack of forgiveness of others to sorrow for their sin and our patience grow in our compassion for them, and may it be fulfilled by our patient longing for them to turn to you.

Lord, in our transforming patience may we be quiet before you, listening for your still small voice. May we find the purpose of our life in the patient fulfilling of your will, becoming the true person you always desired us to be. Amen.

Peace Be Still.

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