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CHAPTER 1 Warm Up: The Breakthrough Formula


Between playing professional basketball, winning two Guinness World Records, training a few hundred NBA clients, and coaching so many basketball camps across the globe that I've literally lost count, I've earned a reputation as one of the best shooters and shooting coaches in the world. Trust me—I can tell the difference between a good player and a breakthrough performer before we even step on the court. If you want to do differently, you have to prepare differently.

That's something we've all internalized already, right? You stretch your hamstrings before you hit the pavement for a grueling run. You rinse your scuba mask and clear your lungs before you dive into the chilly depths. You lift lighter before you work your way up to your one‐rep max. Before you jump into anything strenuous, you warm up.

Yet when you're hunting intangible, elusive, innovation‐critical breakthroughs, you throw every warm‐up out the window and think they're just going to appear. You jump right into the game and start throwing desperate half‐court Hail Mary heave‐shots before you even lace up your shoes. It's purely accidental if you hit any of them. More often than not, you just end up depleting yourself and your team of all the energy you need to pump into bringing your breakthroughs to life. It's no mystery why the topic of recovery is just as hot in the corporate world as it is in athletics—we're all burning ourselves out.

You don't want to just have breakthroughs; you want to lead breakthrough days that sustain and boost you (and, of course, the people and projects you care about). You can't get there by doing things the way you've always done them. Status quo is great for just getting by—you need to break through!

Elite athletes wear the evidence of their physical training right out in the open; what's hidden are the equal amounts of mindset training they do. Forget the bulging biceps and the powerful quads; if you could look inside their heads, you'd see the true breakthrough muscle—their brains. No amount of practice and physical finetuning matters if your mind isn't in shape and ready to take on the day.

Athletes constantly train their mind‐body connections. The best NBA players warm up for shooting by connecting to everything—the feel of the ball, the sounds of the court, the blood pumping through their veins. They ignite every one of their senses, because they know they need to bring it all into the game. They make their intangible breakthroughs tactile before they even start playing.

When I started bringing my mindset training into corporations, I was shocked to find cultures with so little emphasis on this crucial mind‐body connection. Sure, many of these elite leaders worked out and ate well, but when they hit the office, they were trying to break through their challenges with brain brute force. Not happening.

Have you ever heard that we only use 10 percent of our brains? People who study MRIs swear that isn't true, but I'm pretty sure it actually is—at least the way most of us operate. Even if all your synapses are firing, if you're not working your brain in concert with your body and all your sensory input, you're only achieving a small portion of your potential. Compartmentalizing your brain from your body and your environment blocks off at least 90 percent of your available breakthroughs!

Most people are taught to think around their senses, but every portion of the Breakthrough Blueprint includes connecting with your senses. Training your brain to soak up all the sensory information you've been leaving on the table can be uncomfortable at first, but it's essential. Bring that wasted 90 percent into your breakthrough efforts—start with making your warm‐up tangible.

When Aristotle ranked our senses, he argued that touch was the least important; I'm here to tell you that Aristotle would have been a terrible shooter. I doubt he even would have been the breakthrough genius we still talk about today if he hadn't spent so much time in Plato's gym! The things we can touch, our tangibles, are what we trust most. To warm up for your breakthrough day and get into the BIOnic (Breakthrough Impact Optimization) mindset, you need to dominate your SENSE:

 Stop Solving Problems.

 Eliminate Goals.

 Navigate the How.

 Seize the Formula.

 Embrace the Clock.

These five concepts are the keys to your Breakthrough Blueprint. They're simple, but they're also pretty radical shifts from business‐as‐usual. Warm up by getting a sense of SENSE.


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