Читать книгу Reconnect - David Sherbino - Страница 5


WEEK ONE: Silence & Solitude

‘Be still and know that I am God…’ Ps.46:10

As we explore various spiritual disciplines that will help to draw us closer to God we begin with silence and solitude. Devoted followers of the Lord have practiced silence and solitude throughout the ages as a means of deliberately making space in their busy schedules to listen and hear the voice of God. Without silence and solitude we will never be able to fully enter into intimacy with God simply because so many other voices are contending for our attention and commitment.

Basil Pennington used the metaphor of a pond to describe the importance of stillness in order to pay attention to God. When you throw a stone into a pond, he said, the stone will create ripples that reach to the shore, all way around – but only if the pond is still. When the pond is quiet and still, the impact of the stone can be seen over the entire surface. But when the pond is not still, when the surface of the water is already ruffled and tossed, the splash of the stone will go undetected. Where the wind has disturbed the surface, the stone can’t be disturbing. Where a storm is present, there is so much commotion already going on that no one will notice a few waves more or less as they will be lost in the frantic motion of the surface. Stillness is always the prerequisite for receptivity.

In our world it seems we are constantly surrounded by noise and by people. In fact we regularly speak of ‘noise pollution’. It seems to be very difficult, if not impossible, to be still and experience the presence of God. In addition to this we are driven by the compulsion to be busy as many see their value and worth attached to what they do. So to be quiet and to be alone for periods of time seems to be less than productive and for some completely meaningless, since we are perceived to be doing nothing. However if we want to hear God’s voice we must move into surrendered intimacy with him. Then we are able to listen and hear the still soft voice of God.


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