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What’s your scariest moment?
ОглавлениеI didn’t even need to pause to remember this one. Again it was 1997 and I was smoking illegal drugs with my friends – three boys and one girl. We were in a little Renault Clio parked in Epping Forest at 1am. We were parked in a ditch with the lights off. There was a church opposite and I could see these two people with painted white faces walk to the church and stand outside. Like they were keeping watch or something. I’m such a scaredy cat, plus I was stoned and paranoid, so I said to my mates, ‘Please can we leave?’ Boys will be boys and they were acting all macho: ‘Don’t worry, there’s only two of them, we will protect you, baby’. We sat through another 15 minutes or so of me screaming like a baby that I wanted to go home. I was scared. Finally the driver of the Renault goes to me, ‘Fine! I’ll scare them off then’ and he starts flashing his lights and sounding his horn like a lunatic. Well, that was clever. We looked to our left and there were about another 60 or so of these white-faced people walking up the road, swinging on the trees and sitting on the gravestones in the church. I don’t know what they were doing there but we didn’t stick around to find out as they all charged at the Clio. We managed to wheel-spin our way out of that ditch before we were all sacrificed!
My adrenaline is going mad now just thinking about it!