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Chapter 1: We Need to Talk About Sinn Féin ...

Setting the scene: why Sinn Féin matters even if you don’t like them

Chapter 2: Hello Mary Lou – Goodbye Gerry?

In-depth interview and background on Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary-Lou McDonald

Chapter 3: The Armalite and the Ballot-Box

How Sinn Féin ditched abstentionism in both parts of Ireland and set out on the parliamentary road to the republic

Chapter 4: From Rebel to Ruler – Martin McGuinness

Meeting the former IRA leader, now the North’s Deputy First Minister, at Stormont Castle

Chapter 5: Now Get Out of That: Disowning Fateful Economic Decisions

Grappling with the intricacies of economic policy in the Republic, Sinn Féin supports the Bank Guarantee but lives to regret it

Chapter 6: Turning Swords into Ploughshares: Good Friday and its aftermath

How the guerrillas ended up in government in the North and started to make inroads south of the border

Chapter 7: Members, Critics and Observers

Perspectives on Sinn Féin from inside and outside the party

Chapter 8: In the Eye of the Storm

Controversy after controversy for a party that is rarely out of the headlines

Chapter 9: The Rocky Path to Power

Could Sinn Féin end up in government on both sides of the Irish border?

Epilogue: The Story so Far



Power Play

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