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I have been enormously blessed in my life with the gift of the most wonderful circle of loving and supportive friends and family. These are the people whom I know I can count on in this world, who always have my back, and without whom my life would simply not be the same. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the following people.

My daughter, Anjelica Price-Rocha, for her wisdom and great writing and editing skills. My husband and best friend, Robert Coleman, for his unconditional support, editorial assistance, and honest feedback as my “in-house editor.”

My business partner and friend, Steven “Shags” Shagrin, for tirelessly reading my drafts and providing friendship, editing, and support throughout.

My wonderful girlfriends: Marian Morioka and Carol Bell, who fed me, loved me, and provided endless entertainment throughout; and Donna Colfer, Karen Harvey, and Molly Light, for being such dear friends and bearers of love and light in my world.

Leslie Gainer, for her friendship, wisdom, and perspective just when I needed them most.

Lili Goodman-Freitas and Greg Freitas, for the love, light, and laughter they brought into our lives.

Dr. and Mrs. Preston and Frieda Wright, for always knowing what to say and do to make it better.

Marge Abrams, Stephan Islas, Brenda Ferreira, and David Seligman, for always being there for me for as long as I can remember.

Janet Rosen and Sheree Bykofsky, for being the best agents a writer could ever hope for.

And finally, love and gratitude to my editor, Georgia Hughes, and New World Library, for continuing to believe in me and support my ideas.

The Heart of Money

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