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Praise for Your Goal Guide

“Everyone says they have goals. But far, far fewer actually take the time to set out a plan to achieve them. With Your Goal Guide, Debra Eckerling has given you the roadmap to do just that.”

—Peter Shankman, author of Faster Than Normal:

Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain

“Debra is clearly rooting for your success through this inspiring book! Her authenticity and honest intentions are so visible in each chapter. Your Goal Guide is an excellent book for all those who are ready to bloom and rewrite their story.”

—Chandresh Bhardwaj, a seventh generation spiritual advisor and author of Break the Norms

“Thank you, Debra Eckerling, for literally providing us with a roadmap to achieve our goals. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, a college student, a corporate employee, or an entrepreneur, you will benefit from Your Goal Guide, which clearly outlines the steps you need to live the vibrant life that you want. Perhaps the most poignant part of Debra Eckerling’s book is the realization that most of us spend more time deciding on and planning where we want to go on vacation than how we want to live our lives. Without a clear vision, we wander aimlessly—wondering why we are not happy or fulfilled. By using Your Goal Guide, we will have no more excuses for not getting to our desired destination. Thank you, Debra Eckerling! I can’t wait to start my journey!”

—Elaine Hall, award-winning author, speaker, and founder of the Miracle Project profiled in the HBO documentary Autism: The Musical

“Debra Eckerling is the real deal. For years she has been one of the best guides I know for hundreds of writers. Writing a book and finding a home for that book can often feel like an impenetrable thicket, but Debra’s The D*E*B Method is simple and wise. And Your Goal Guide, like Debra herself, is lovely and inspiring.”

—Amy Friedman, writing teacher and author, most recently of Desperado’s Wife

“Your Goal Guide by Debra Eckerling is a must-read for anyone who has a goal and a desire to reach a destination. After deciding what you want, how do you get there? Debra guides you through actions you can take and valuable tools and techniques that will help you to reach anywhere your mind can travel. She draws from her experience. She is a guide who you will want to follow. If you see it and believe it, it can happen.”

—Jen Grisanti, story/career consultant, writing instructor for NBC, author, and speaker

“One of things that is so helpful about Your Goal Guide is that it gives a detailed account for anyone who is trying to achieve their goals and gives a fresh perspective on how to get started. I know so many people who have a lot of trouble setting goals and affirmations, and this book will definitely guide them to where they need to be. I, for one, will definitely use this as a blueprint and so should others.”

—Jerod Williams, group exercise and fitness instructor

“Debra Eckerling is the queen of helping people set and achieve their goals. It’s like a sixth sense for her! And it really shines through in this guide that is a roadmap to success.”

—Madalyn Sklar, host of #TwitterSmarter podcast and chat

“Deb Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide is a thoughtful roadmap to help you get from here (the good idea) to there (actually accomplishing what you want to do). Worth reading. But don’t just read it. Follow her instructions.”

—Dr. Chaz Austin, EdD, president of Austin Career Packaging & Marketing

“It’s a big, wide world of wonderful things out there, and deciding what you want is always the hardest part. Most goal setting guides assume that you already have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, which renders them useless (and frustrating). Your Goal Guide helps you set your vision for the future first, before diving into the steps on how to reach it. With specific exercises to help you narrow down the overwhelm and home in on what you want, this book is like a trusted friend or caring coach who asks the tough questions that lead

you to where you need to go, and then gives you the gentle push you need to get there.”

—Jennifer Ballard, marketing manager, Social Media Examiner

“What a refreshing read! Every guru tells us to set and achieve goals. But what if you need help figuring out exactly what you want in the first place, let alone how to get there? Debra Eckerling’s very practical book helps us to do just that. It’s like having a dear friend walk with you each step of the way, holding your hand, guiding you along your very own yellow brick road to the life of your dreams. Two thumbs way up!”

—Mari Smith, premier Facebook marketing expert and author of The New Relationship Marketing

“I just finished reading Deb Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide, and it is making me wish she wrote this about fifteen years ago when…I was struggling (intensely) to write my doctoral dissertation and my first book. Your Goal Guide is a dream come true for someone who needs some structure and context when looking to make big changes. Not only is it jam-packed with life hacks that will expand your productivity and focus, it is laid out in a truly easy to follow manner, and written in a voice that is warm, and completely accessible. If you have ever struggled with achieving goals or navigating big changes, this book is for you.”

—Dr. Michael Lennox, author of Dream Sight, Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams, and Llewellyn’s Little Book of Dreams

“Debra Eckerling makes so much sense that even a befuddled procrastinator like me is impressed. Her step-by-step approach is super easy to follow and moves past ‘happy talk’ to give you the tools you need to get your life moving in the right direction.”

—Dennis Wilen, web producer, Pocho.com

“Every person sets goals at some point in their life but usually self-sabotages their efforts. Deb’s book truly keeps you focused on your goals, allowing you to cancel out the noise that surrounds you, giving you concrete tips on how to achieve your dreams with a well-plotted path to success. Deb’s a genuine inspiration!”

—Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, editor-in-chief of Script Magazine, senior editor of Writer’s Digest, and cofounder and moderator of #Scriptchat

“Your Goal Guide could become the most complete book on goal-setting. Eckerling gets right down to the nitty-gritty instead of waving a wand of general advice and expecting a newbie to magically absorb the details.”

—Carolyn Howard-Johnson, multi-award-winning author of The Frugal Book Promoter and The Frugal Editor

“So often, goal-setting is met with anxiety, overwhelm, and absolute confusion as to where to start even defining what our goals should be. Debra takes us through each step, making the reader feel accomplished along the way, and the end result is a crystal-clear roadmap as to what they’re about to achieve. Brilliant!”

—Jessica Kupferman, cofounder of She Podcasts

“Debra Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide will help many people finally reach their goals. Readers who follow the vision, especially those who feel stuck, will finally get their work done. As a client, I have firsthand experience of Debra’s magic and continue to be a fan.”

—Jeff Pulver, internet pioneer, VoIP; cofounder of Vonage

“You know the old saw, ‘if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.’ As appealing as that may sound, it also means you won’t get anywhere close to reaching your goals if you don’t chart your own path! Deb Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide helps you build your own roadmap to the future, by breaking down the steps to success in an easy-to-digest manner. Gas up and get ready for the ride to Goaltopia!”

—Scott Perry, marketing consultant at Sperry Media

“Feeling a little unclear about your direction? Not quite sure how to move forward with a goal or intention? Never fear! Debra Eckerling’s new book Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals is an incredibly helpful tool that will masterfully direct you toward achieving your goals and intentions in a clear, concise, and well thought out manner. No stone is left unturned as Debra helps you cover all of your bases and gets your plan and foundation rock solid! Not only will you move your goals and dreams in a forward motion, Debra’s book will help you gain personal clarity and self-awareness which leads to confidence. A win-win all around!”

—G. Brian Benson, actor, speaker, and award-winning author of Habits for Success: Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar

“Finally, the roadmap we need for goal setting! Debra Eckerling is the master of goal setting, and in this book she shows us how each of us can successfully achieve goals with a clear plan. Being a perfectionist at heart, goal setting is the foundation for everything I do, and that’s the reason why I loved this book. By using her signature The D*E*B Method, Debra teaches us how to Determine, Explore, and Brainstorm to accomplish our plan. Whether we’re setting personal or professional goals, Debra has us covered!

“The book has a lovely flow, it’s very easy to follow the step-by-step process, and I loved the analogy between goal setting and a road trip. After all, life is a journey, and we travel every day through each moment and experience, don’t we?

“Get ready to be pleasantly surprised by your accomplishments with Your Goal Guide!”

—Sabrina Cadini, Holistic Life Coach

“Goal-setting! Task-management! Actionable to-do lists! Debra Eckerling gave me just what I needed. I can’t wait to share her wisdom with my screenwriting clients and writing students.”

—Pilar Alessandra, screenwriting instructor at On the Page and author of The Coffee Break Screenwriter

“If you ever dared to dream big, and then got stuck making it happen, Debra Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide is your solution! The author takes you on a road trip to success using an easy-to-follow goal-setting process, roll-out plan and maintenance phase approach to keep things moving forward. Stop procrastinating, and take charge of your life dream today by reading and applying the tips in this must-have book!”

—Liz H Kelly, Goody PR founder and author of 8-Second PR

“Wow! I loved Your Goal Guide by Debra Eckerling. I’ve always been into goal setting, but I think I’ve been missing a few key steps all this time! I agree…figuring out what it is you actually want is critical. It needs to start with some deep inner reflection and essentially, come from the soul.

“The D*E*B Method that she lays out is genius. I think ‘Determining My Mission’ has been fairly easy for me. But I have been challenged in the ‘Exploring My Options’ and ‘Brainstorming My Path’ parts. Thanks Debra, you have changed the way I think about my goals! Highly recommended.”

—Jon Wuebben, CEO of Content Launch and author of Future Marketing: Winning in the Prosumer Age

“Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals could not have come at a better time. I am acutely aware that another shift in my life is looming on the horizon (that shift called retirement) and, unlike my work life, I have not yet any goals about what that is supposed to look like! (I mean—retirement is about not working, right?) Wrong! Goals are important to set at every stage of our lives! And what I love about Deb’s book is that she helps us figure out what our true goals really are—not sales quotas we must meet or some kind of ambiguous ‘I want to do **** someday.’ But real, achievable and maybe BHA Goals!

“Her clarion call is to ‘…figure out how to set and reach your goals, while the rest of the world—and the rest of your life—is business as usual,’ in such a way that you see a clear path to your new future and the steps you must make. I’m very much looking forward to moving forward in my journey with The D*E*B Method—from determining what I really want to do when I grow up (and retire), to unveiling the different options available before moving from my current position (or if I even want/need to), to creating a clear and achievable path, to finally achieving the new goals I set. Thanks, Deb, for writing the perfect book at the perfect time!”

—Viveka von Rosen, Chief Visibility Officer and cofounder at Vengreso

Your Goal Guide

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