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More GoalTopias

Here are some additional examples of GoalTopias, based on my clients, my community, and the Goal Survey.

•Be a world-renowned speaker

•Publish my novels and market and sell them

•Become an award-winning screenwriter

•Work every day at a job that I love, where I am paid well and feel like a contributing member of the team

•Get promoted

•Become the boss

•Quit my job and start my own business

•Quit my job and pursue a new career

•Earn a living doing something I love

•Turn my hobby into a business

•Finish the projects I start and get them out into the world

•Have a life outside of work

•Run a marathon

•Go back to school

•Earn my doctorate

•Have my skills and talents be recognized

•Share my story so others can learn from my experience

•Live without financial stress

•Own a home

•Take vacations twice a year

•Become healthy

•Stay healthy

•Find happiness

Remember, your goals will evolve as the things in your life change. However, for the purpose of this process, the GoalTopia you choose should reflect what matters to you most right now.

Visual Representation

Now that you know where you want to go, let’s have a little fun. Figure out what your GoalTopia looks like. Create something visual: a drawing, a collage, or a mock-up on the computer. You will use this as a visual cue to remind you of what you are working toward.

Are you artistic? Draw a picture.

Want to go old-school? Make a collage. Cut out pics from a magazine or newspaper and mock them up.

Are you, like me, not artistically inclined? Go the electronic route. Find photos online and use an image-creation program. Online graphics tools, like Canva, enable you to easily upload and combine photos.

Your Goal Guide

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