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Road Trip Exercise 2B: Current Biography

Take the information you charted out and turn the high points into a bio written in the third person. For professional reasons, it’s good to have short (two- to three-line), medium (two- to three-paragraphs), and long (one page) versions of your biography. For this exercise, aim for 150 to 300 words. It should be something you would find in a pitch letter or on a book jacket, promotional material, or website “About” page.

Keep in mind that every bio is different, just as every person is different. The point is to enjoy the process and let your personality come out via your words.

Bio Hack: Investigate What’s Out There

Go online and find ten bios that are in or adjacent to your area of expertise. You want a mix of different types of bios, so be sure to include at least one or two industry celebs. Read through them and make a list of what you do and do not like about each one. Of course, you don’t want to copy someone else’s experience. Use this for inspiration of what to do and not do.

Biography Starters

Still stuck? Just fill in the blanks:

Professional Bio

A (current position), (name) is known for (fill in the blank). After (time) working at (job), he/she decided to take his/her aptitude for (skill) and (did this accomplishment). He/she also (did this). A (characteristic), (Name) is a (professional groups/leadership) and excels in (more skills). In his/her downtime, he/she (does this). (Optional: personal trivia.)

Impassioned Bio

(Name) enjoys (fill in the blank), which is something that shows in all he/she does. For instance, (example) and (example). (Name) currently does (position) at (company), where he/she is responsible for (fill in the blank). With (personality traits), he/she is determined to (fill in the blank). A (character traits), (name) also likes to (personal something or other).


Hobby Bio

On any given day, (Name) can be found (fill in the blank). A long-time (doer of activity), he/she also enjoys (this), (that), and (the other thing). (Name) currently does (position) at (company), where he/she is responsible for (fill in the blank). (Name) truly shines when (fill in the blank). He/she can’t wait for (blank).

Write a few versions of your bio until you settle on one you like. Note your favorite as final in your notebook.


Your Goal Guide

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