Читать книгу Your Goal Guide - Debra Eckerling - Страница 11


Section 1

Determine Where You Want to Go: Your Mission

Do you know what you want? Great. Not sure? That’s fine, too. We’ll figure it out together.

Setting goals is just like planning a road trip. You want to figure out where you want to go (your happy place, your ideal life, your GoalTopia) and decide what vehicle (mission or desire) will take you there.

So what road trip most appeals to you? For what purpose?

•Going to the mountains to enjoy nature, have an adventure, and challenge yourself to explore bigger and better things

•Heading to an amusement park to ride roller coasters, get a little dizzy, and enjoy the ups and downs

•Going to the city to see your name in lights and receive the recognition you deserve for being a knowledgeable force in your industry

•Spending time at the beach, relaxing, and realizing there’s more to life than work

The same theory applies to planning your goals. You not only need to figure out what you want, but give some thought to how doing so will improve your life and the lives of those around you.

What do you want to do? Why?

•Find a new job in order to feel more fulfilled in your career

•Find a new job because your current position is being eliminated or you want to get out of a hostile work environment

•Start or grow your business to earn more money

•Share your expertise so others can learn from your experience

•Make a drastic change—or a series of minor ones—to improve your quality of life

•Prioritize relationships and family, so you have a happier personal life

•Increase your income to create financial independence

•All of the above? Some of these goals may fulfill more than one purpose

Once you know what you want and what drives you, then all of the long- and short-term goals you set will build upon each other to help you achieve it. Think of your GoalTopia as your focal point. In order to reach that or any destination, you need to decide exactly where you are going, what vehicle to take (mission), and what type of fuel (goals) will get you there.

In the first five chapters of Your Goal Guide, I will walk you through a variety of techniques, mainly writing exercises, to help you figure out where you want to go and why.

Your Goal Guide

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