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My adventure with Monsoon Medicine: A Diary of a Canadian Medicine Woman and Tales of a Bengali Doctor starts with an anxiety-filled arrival at the Kolkata (Calcutta) Dum Dum Airport. Due to the serious consequences of the recent H1N1 flu pandemic scare, I fear I am destined for the quarantine ward at the local city hospital in the very first moments of my arrival in India. The question is, “Will I ever get through this grueling waiting line, health screening process, and get to see the Bengali family I have longed to visit?”

My experience since arrival has inspired me to keep a diary filled with my emotions, whether up or down, interesting medical cases that prove to be on the cutting edge, and the daily flow of seeing vast amounts of patients in the lush tropical Jungle Village of Thakurnagar, West Bengal, located near India’s Bangladesh border. At times I see patients with Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar, a world famous homeopathic medical doctor. Surprisingly, at times, Dr. Sarkar’s elderly mother, Bithika, steps in as my translator, as is the case in The Man Who Was Injured After Being Stepped on by a Cow.

Every day proves to be a new adventure. I write at all hours of the day and night, with or without electricity, whether in pouring monsoon rains or sunshine, and always with hopes of a good cup of chai! The colorful and enticingly fragrant spices of India provoke my thoughts as I write keynotes that give the most important clues, left by the Grand Masters, to solve the homeopathic case of the day.

“Tips of the Day” should prove to be a homeopathic dream come true that tells all the most important clues that a homeopathic doctor has always wished for. “Words of Wisdom from Dr. Sarkar” are provided, with many secrets from a Grand Master of Homeopathy that loves to teach and does it well! His homeopathic knowledge proves to be impressive and will keep any serious homeopath on the edge of their seat.

In 1999 I made a promise to Dr. Sarkar’s father, a retired homeopath. I promised to write the “Words of Wisdom” and record the homeopathic teachings from Dr. Sarkar. Bithika reminds me, “Homeopathy and new medicines must be preserved for the future generations.” Therefore, it is my solemn duty to leave a trace in medical history, but with a twist. My diary tells all.

In my diary, I have recorded my thoughts and experiences during each day’s work at the Jungle Clinic, or Dr. Sarkar’s “chamber” as he calls it. Every hour in the Jungle Clinic is filled with amazing circumstances and bizarre happenings that include a cast of a thousand characters.

I still ask myself, where do all these patients come from?

From the Pen of Dr. Denise

Monsoon Medicine

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