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Zincum Metallicum: Tips of the Day


Zincum metallicum is an excellent remedy for children with Sensory Integration Disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism, providing the keynotes fit. A remedy must never be given solely on pathology or a disease title alone. Every case must be taken properly with attention to detail. Having said this, after taking a patient’s case, if the keynotes fit, Zincum metallicum can be prescribed. If the prescription is based solely on pathology or disease, then we are prescribing allopathically with homeopathic remedies.

Zincum metallicum is one of my favorite remedies. Once properly selected, the remedy, simply put, does a beautiful job. Let us take time to carefully look at the keynotes of the remedy which may provide a valuable insight or clue to the proper prescription of the remedy. Our ultimate goal is to provide relief to the patient and help them maintain homeostasis. Restoration of the body, mind, and the soul is our ultimate vision that takes place when the vital force is stimulated.

Zincum metallicum has provided outstanding results with children in my practice. I would be lost without the remedy as there is no substitution for Zincum metallicum. The remedy stands alone as the keynotes are so profound. Therefore, I will, without further introduction, give to you the presentation of Zincum metallicum.

Children requiring Zincum metallicum are restless. They are so restless that it may be impossible for them to stand still or stop for even a moment. These are the children that climb on your desk, stand on the examining table and switch the light on and off non-stop. They are restless and movement is their favorite activity! They have restlessness to the infinity!

If a physical examination is required, the mission may be aborted due to the child’s restlessness! I have found myself more than once chasing a child with my stethoscope! “Yes, I say to myself, their heart is beating, otherwise, how could this child be so active?” The child requiring Zincum metallicum wants to keep me on my toes and make sure that I have thought of a new and creative way to listen to their heart and lung sounds!

However, one must not overlook a simple but important clue to zinc; the fingernails may present with little white patches, or Beau’s lines, when there is a deficiency. I do try my hardest to get a glimpse of the little child’s fingernails even though it is like catching a flea on a hot griddle.

Mind, restlessness, nervousness

Mind, restlessness, morning

Mind, restlessness, evening

Mind, restlessness, night

Mind, restlessness, night, midnight, after

Mind, restlessness, anxious 7

The Zincum metallicum child may be oversensitive to noise. They can hear the central air conditioner in the office building and it sounds very loud. A conversation in the next room is easily overheard, even though the door has been tightly shut. The child can hear your office manager booking appointments for the next day and surprisingly, they may be able to repeat the conversation back to you! The child requiring Zincum metallicum has acute hearing, known medically as hyperacusis, which drives them to distraction.

At home, the child complains they cannot sleep due to the air conditioner switching on and off during the night. The child hears every time the dog turns over and switches position. Never mind that the dog is sleeping in your bedroom which is down the hall from your child’s bedroom. The child evidently has acute hearing which wakes him from a deep sleep!

The child’s parents cannot speak in their home without the child hearing every word, even if the child is upstairs in bed. There is no privacy for the parents of a child that requires our Dear Sweet Zincum Metallicum! During an argument between the parents, the child is able to recall the whole conversation with proper dialect and pitch. The innocent child will gladly repeat the argument and will without hesitation or guilt tell each and every word to the doctor. This is much to the horror and shock of the parents who accompanied the child to the doctor and now wishes that they had stayed at home.

Such is the ability of the child to repeat what they have heard when there is a metabolic deficiency in zinc. The pendulum can swing either way. Either the child will repeat the question back to the doctor, which may be due to slow comprehension, or the child has the ability to repeat back verbatim what they have heard, much to the astonishment of the surrounding audience. The latter may be the child with a true photographic memory. That is the power of our special, highly classified Zincum metallicum. The remedy stands alone; there is none other to fill its shoes!

However, at the same time, the child cannot tolerate loud sounds. What I mean to say is that the child has acute hearing but cannot tolerate noise. There is duality with noise. They can make lots of noise but cannot tolerate other’s loud noise. The sounds of a blender or vacuum cleaner are horrifying. The pressure cooker filled with rice and steaming water is an intolerable apparatus for the child and causes apprehension and anxiety due to the constant letting go of pressure. The sound is so loud that the child covers his ears with his hands and cries in desperation. The parent is exhausted. They throw up their hands up in true exasperation realizing that their child is the The Highly Sensitive Child.

The parent finds it quite impossible to understand how the loud noise is intolerable and painful for the child. For, at the same time, the child makes extremely loud banging noises with an ensemble of pots and pans that they have quickly pulled from all the drawers in the kitchen. The child is content making his own noise.

The child with a zinc deficiency may enjoy and be able to distinguish the difference in sounds and tones between the constant dropping of toys from the table to the floor. To the parent it is simply, Crash! Crash! But to the child, it is music. He can hear different sounds and tones to each drop, depending on height and action. Therefore, it brings great joy to repeat the crashing and dropping of precious toys which are in all shapes and sizes! This becomes intolerable for the parent and easily causes their nervous system to short circuit.

Yes, to put it mildly, the child constantly bangs and crashes toys together for fun and to experience the musical qualities of these sounds. They find delight and joy in ramming trucks into once expensive furniture which, no doubt, drives the parents to despair. This is a no-win situation without Zincum metallicum.

The fire alarm at school is beyond loud and physically hurts the child’s ears. A fire drill causes quite a fright and the anticipation of the loud alarm and an upcoming fire drill may cause severe apprehension indeed! The child that requires Zincum metallicum will be the one in a crowd of children covering his ears and in evident distress. Hyperacusis is the diagnosis and the pain is real!

A child who is hypersensitive to sound, requiring Zinc metallicum, may not tolerate another child talking. A child with a zinc deficiency may slap a crying baby. The high pitched sound of a crying baby may be intolerable. Always remember, there may be more than meets the eye in the actions of a child that has a zinc deficiency.

It is the homeopath’s job to figure out who, what, where, when, and why. The five W’s aren’t just saved for journalism; the five W’s are most imperative for the differential diagnosis and selection of correct homeopathic medicine.

Hearing, acute, noises, to

Hearing, acute, noises, rumpling of paper

Hearing, acute, perspiration, during

Hearing, acute, voices and talking 7

Mind, sensitive, music, to

Mind, sensitive, noise, to

Mind, sensitive, noise, to, voices

Mind, torments everyone with his complaints 7

Children who require Zincum metallicum are oversensitive. They have sensory issues and may be labeled The Oversensitive Child. Everything bothers them. They cannot tolerate the tags in their clothing. They cry and pull at their clothing. It doesn’t take long before the mother knows to cut all the tags out of every piece of apparel. Their clothing is a bother.

The child may have a hole in their good polo shirt from chewing the material. Their parents complain they don’t have any unchewed shirts. Clothing is either too short, too long, or too rough. Socks are not tolerated! The seams are in the wrong place. Trying to find the right place for the seam is impossible. Getting ready for school in the morning is a nightmare. Shoes may be quite intolerable and the child immediately will kick them off. Out of frustration the parents let the child wear flip flops to school. Even in winter!

A child requiring Zincum metallicum may be seen undressing in the backseat of the car after school. The child may strip down to their underwear for sensory relief. The child’s sensory issues may be so severe they simply cannot tolerate any clothing. Not even for one more minute! One mother asked me what should she say if the police pulled her over. She worried about her naked child in the back seat of the car! She was a mother of extreme patience and kindness as it took her sometimes an hour to coax her child to sit in the car seat for the drive home.

A child may come into your office saying he has bugs or ants crawling on his skin. This sensation of crawling bugs on his skin may prevent him from sleeping. Think of Zincum metallicum with formication. Of course, one has to put the symptoms together as the child doesn’t come to the office saying, “Dear Doctor, I have formication preventing me from sleeping at night.” One must be more like Sherlock Holmes and do some sleuthing or a deep investigation. I, however, have provided some clues that may be of some help.

Now, a child comes into my office and I ask, “How are you?” The child repeats “How are you?” Immediately think Zincum metallicum! The child who has a zinc deficiency will repeat the sentence back to the doctor! If the parent is explaining things about their child make sure to ask the child a couple of questions directly. The child requiring Zincum metallicum may have echolalia. It is as simple as that. Perhaps you are talking to a child that repeats the last part of your sentence, again, think of Zincum metallicum!

Echolalia is not reserved just for children. Adults can have echolalia, too! Of course, it may be more subtle. I find that adults have learned not to repeat questions out loud. After all, an adult knows that if he constantly repeats the question out loud, people might think he is crazy. A friend may run in the other direction! Instead, the person with a zinc deficiency requiring Zincum metallicum may pause after a question, say the question to themselves silently and then answer the question out loud. Is this echolalia? I think so.

Why would a child have echolalia? Is a child repeating the question trying to understand the question before answering? The child requiring Zincum metallicum has difficulty with comprehension. A child requiring Zincum metallicum may have difficulty understanding and processing a question. The child may repeat the question while trying to figure out what the question means. Then he must process the answer which explains a further pause. Echolalia may provide the time required for processing the question and figuring out what the answer is. This remedy may be helpful with a child that has a Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD).

Treating children with autism can be quite challenging to say the least. However, treating children with autism is what I do best! Therefore, I will tell you some of my secrets. I have been asked politely and even been threatened by other doctors to list all the remedies on the spot that are important for the treatment of autism. Let me assure you that Zincum metallium is on the top of that list!

Now, in stating this I will further explain that prescribing the constitutional remedy is by far the most important treatment a child can receive. When the constitutional remedy is given, the child will receive optimal results. Is this not why we went to medical school?

As Thomas A. Edison quoted, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Simply put, less is best! One constitutional medicine will help a child diagnosed with autism more than 50 lesser remedies used in combination if they are not the simillimum. The simillimum is the most exact homeopathic remedy possible.

The constitutional treatment is a particular remedy, a single homeopathic remedy, that is given to the child and is used to treat a constellation of symptoms for that particular child. The constitutional remedy is distinct, precise, and particular to the child diagnosed with autism that encompasses their individual aardvark symptoms. No two children are alike and no two children diagnosed with autism have the same symptoms in body or mind. In other words, each child is unique!

The more unusual or different the symptoms the child has, the easier it is to prescribe the particular constitutional remedy or homeopathic medicine that will cover the case and heal the child. The constitutional medicine is the strongest medicine expressly for that child. It is unique to him and, therefore, will aid in the fastest recovery of the child. As homeopathic medicines work on every system of the body, the child has the best chance of recovering if the constitutional medicine is given because it begins the healing, whether it be in body or mind, physical or mental, developmental or learning.

The constitutional remedy will help healing from above downward, from within outwards, from a more important organ to a less important organ, and in the reverse order of the developing symptoms. The remedy will start to work immediately and continue its healing progress until the case is reviewed at the next appointment. At that time the remedy is prescribed again or another remedy may be selected. I have listed 14 Signs of Autism for a quick guide. 1 Hopefully, this little gem will aid your homeopathic prescription.

 May avoid eye contact.

 May prefer to be alone.

 Echoes words or phrases.

 Difficulty interacting with others.

 Spins objects or self.

 Insistence on sameness.

 Inappropriate attachments to objects.

 Inappropriate laughing or giggling.

 May not want cuddling.

 Difficulty in expressing needs; may use gestures.

 Inappropriate response or no response to sound.

 No real fear of dangers.

 Apparent insensitivity to pain.

 Sustained, unusual or repetitive play; uneven physical or verbal skills.

Never underestimate the power of Zincum metallicum. The remedy is powerful; and when used appropriately, it will make a difference for a child with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder or learning difficulties. If a child is restless, with learning difficulties, repeats the question you asked, and is sensitive to noise, think about prescribing Zincum metallicum.

I have provided important clues and keynotes for Zincum metallicum. Hopefully, these keynotes and hints will make the difference. I have to admit that Zincum metallicum is my favorite remedy making all the difference with the children in my practice. I have spent literally hundreds of hours analyzing Zinc metallicum. As I read and re-read about the remedy, Zincum metallicum never ceases to amaze me. Hopefully I have provided necessary tips and reviewed keynotes which will encourage the differential diagnosis and treatment with Dear Sweet Zincum Metallicum.

Here is a poem I wrote for a patient that required Zincum metallicum. The poem brought a big smile!


Zinc makes you think!

When you are down,

To the ground,

Take Zinc!

And you will think!

Most of all, think Zinc!

Monsoon Medicine

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