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Words of Wisdom from Dr. Sarkar


Always think of Zincum metallicum in a patient that has lumbar pain who feels better lying on the left side. The causation may be due to spinal stenosis or a slipped disc. The patient may have burning pain in their back or legs and difficulty sitting. The back pain will increase every time the patient sits.

Zincum metallicum has a peculiar symptom like Lachesis, the patient feels better by discharge. The discharge can be expectoration, sweating, vomiting, or urination. The moment the patient sweats he feels better.

In the female patient, you will find that all symptoms are better during the menstrual flow. The minute she gets her menses she feels better mentally and physically. It is written in Boericke, “All the female symptoms are associated with restlessness, depression, coldness, spinal tenderness and restless feet.6 As soon as she gets her menses, all these symptoms disappear.

When a toddler develops a skin eruption or eczema with diarrhea that started after drinking cow’s milk, consider Zincum metallicum. Have the mother stop the cow’s milk immediately and see if there is a change. If the skin symptoms disappear and the diarrhea stops, this may be a case of Acrodermatitis Enteropathica. In this case, think about your dear medicine Zincum metallicum, for this remedy may be the remedy that makes the difference. Of course, taking away the causation of the disease is the clue. Keeping the toddler on milk is not helpful and will prevent healing. Merely giving the right remedy is not the total solution.

In a newborn or a child that has checked diarrhea leading to cerebral symptoms, one must consider or think about Zincum metallicum. Again, think about a child that has a fever with eruptions which are seen in childhood diseases such as measles or chicken pox. If the rash is suppressed by a medicine or does not fully develop, the condition may lead to cerebral or spinal symptoms. In Boericke’s Materia Medica it is written, “Forehead cool; base of the brain hot.” 6 The patient, in this case, may be in a grave condition or heading for trouble.

Checked diarrhea is considered the sudden stoppage of diarrhea whether it is caused by allopathic medicines or the vital force is too weak to complete the discharge. With a weak vital force, the body may not be strong enough to expel the diarrhea. In this example of a weak vital force, it can be considered checked diarrhea. For instance, in Allen’s Keynotes it is written, ”Defective Vitality; brain or nerve power wanting; too weak to develop exanthemata or menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate; to comprehend, to memorize.” 3

This, my friend, my Dear Doctor, is the beauty of Zincum metallicum. Nothing can take its place. These words come from my personal experience of treating the patients and these words hopefully will help you develop your practice.

Monsoon Medicine

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